People Development

Developing the people, developing the company’s future.

Molding the Employees

Competency Management



About Competency Management

A good Competency Framework will assist Organizations in molding their employees to respond to the changing business landscape that is in line with the Organization’s Vision, Mission, Strategy, Values, and Culture.

Competency Framework can define the specific needs that the Organization desires from an employee for a certain position. Having a good Competency Framework will help not only in molding the employees but also in other core HR functions such as Recruitment, Job Evaluation, Learning and Development, Career Management, Performance Management, and Talent Management.


The Approach

To develop a good Competency Framework that is in line with the desire of the Organization, there is a need to understand the Vision, Mission, Strategy, Values, and Culture of the Organization. Key stakeholders are involved in the development process to ensure that the Competency framework is the most suitable for the Organization.

External factors are also accountable in the development process as the Organization grows in the direction of a more global view. Ideal market practice can be used as valuable input to shape the Organization’s Competency Framework into the desired ideal future.


Why SRW&Co.

Competency Framework is good only if it is suitable for the Organization. Instead of simply implementing an existing Competency Dictionary into every Organizations, SRW&Co. will develop a Competency Framework specially tailored for each Organization because each Organization is unique and can not be taken for granted.

With vast experiences of specially building Competency Frameworks for our clients, we will build your Organization’s own Competency Framework together with you to ensure that it is the most suitable for your Organization.

Support the continuous development of the employees

Learning and Dev



About Learning & Development

Organizations would need to have a strong Learning & Development structure to support the continuous development of their employees. The establishment of Learning Strategy will determine the necessary development plan to be in place.

Development needs should be verified by Training Needs Analysis, and it would lead to a roll-out of a series of Training and Development Programs to develop the level of expertise of employees, both functionally and behaviorally. Training Programs Evaluation would then need to be in place to determine the effectiveness of the development plan. It is also imperative to build in a culture of Competency Awareness as part of development for all employees so that they are in line with the overall Organization’s aspirations and culture.


The Approach

Linking company’s objective and competency model to the right Learning & Development system using comprehensive analysis to enhance employees skills and capabilities.

Analyze and identify employees strengths and gaps to be compared with company’s objective to design Learning & Development system.

Designing development catalogue, development curriculum, and development programs based on competency models and company’s needs.


Why SRW&Co.

SRW&Co. is able to suggest systematic Learning & Development system to help employees to achieve their goals.

SRW&Co. is able to help clients in designing Learning & Development System that integrated to Competency Model, Performance Management System, Career Management, and Assessment Center to assure its effectiveness and relatedness to company’s sustainability.

Systematic approach to identify – to deploy key employees




About Talent Management

Talent management is the systematic approach and process to identify, plan, attract, develop, engage, retain and deploy the key employees.

Talent management system will help organization:

  • To ensure business and organization growth and sustainability, through available, committed and confirmed talented individuals,
  • To maximize the value of corporate human capital through development opportunities in line with individual and organizational needs,
  • To strengthen the “bench” of high potential leadership talent as a feeder group for succession planning
  • To retain talented individuals by offering them opportunities to grow in line with their expectations and capabilities


The Approach

The key talents will be managed based on the organization’s culture, value and strategy.

Continuously monitoring the outcomes of the key talent management system will ensure the implementation of key talent management system align with organization strategy.


Why SRW&Co.

SRW&Co. provides customized key talent management system based on the organization needs and objective.

SRW&Co. is able to develop an integrated key talent management system which linked to other HR systems, such as compensation management, career management, performance management and also learning center.

Right career for the right person




About Career Management

Good Organizations provide on-going opportunity for employees to acquire skills, knowledge and experience that is necessary in self-managing high work performance, continuous personal growth and broader career options over the long term.

Career should be managed carefully to meet the expectation of the employees and the needs of the organization because it is one essential part that can determine the future growth of the organization. By giving the right career track to the right person, the company can ensure that vital positions are held by suitable people.


The Approach

Dual Career Track (management or technical) is possible for Organizations with high technical requirements to accommodate the needs of Career Development for the employees as well as the personnel requirement for the Organization.

The movement in the Career Path of the employees can be lateral or vertical which movement determined based on several criterias of the intended position.


Why SRW&Co.

With our Dual Career Track and our own Career Mapping System, we offer you flexible multiple career paths designed especially for your Organization that can accommodate the needs of your employees and the Organization itself to grow. We also offer recommendations and assistance in implementing the Career Management System to your Organization.

We combine Technical, Non-technical, and Individual Criteria

Assessment Dev

About Assessment & Development Center

Assessment is beneficial to provide Organization with clear information about its employees and working unit.

The result of assessment could be used for many purposes such as:

  • Identifying Competency Gap.
  • Developing Learning & Development Plan for employees.
  • Developing Retention plan for a specific employee.
  • Measuring the performance of working units.
  • Finding matched employees for specific position.


The Approach

SRW&Co. believes that every person is unique by nature. What differentiate a person from each other are environment and life experience. Based on our belief, SRW&Co. tries to combine a method of Assessment that consists of Technical, Non-Technical, and individual Criteria.

Why SRW&Co.

SRW&Co. uses a combination of methodologies that allows Organization to get a complete report on individual strengths and weaknesses, motivation, interests, and job preference.

SRW&Co. uses a non-complicated method to produce a complete report.

SRW&Co.’s final objectives are finding the right person for the right place, and the right place for the right person.

Tailor-made programs to help employees execute the leadership roles.




About Leadership Development

Structured and tailor-made designed program that aims to improve employees’ competencies in executing the leadership roles.


The Approach

SRW&Co. reviews the organization’s values, culture and competencies to create custom development programs in meeting the organization’s needs.

SRW&Co. conducts research on the global best practices and collaborate with the global business school partners in designing and implementing the programs.


Why SRW&Co.

SRW&Co. has the understanding of the local culture, combine with the expertise of our global business school partners to develop and implement custom designed program.

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